Groups hosting

The estate can accomodate up to 50 people thanks to our large tasting room. After visiting the winery, listen to our winemaker as you taste our different ranges of wine, complemented by a traditional Kougelhopf.

This room has all the facilities to accomodate groups (disabled access, restroom, parking for buses…). For more information, please contact us.

For individuals, it is also possible to plan a tasting with family or friends or even a full privatization of the room (adjoining kitchen) if you rent it by the day. For more information, please contact us.


36 route du Vin
HVE Sohler et fils

Horaires d'ouverture

  • Lundi à samedi
    10h-12h et 13h-19h
  • Dimanche et jours fériés
    sur RDV


  • Tél. :
    +33 (0)3 88 85 51 36
  • Mail :
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